Do You Need to Startup Scalability?

Lately many startups, especially in technology, have begun to apply scalability in their business. Various reasons arise, ranging from efficiency to improving business performance. But one is their goal: the progress of the startup itself.

Scalability in a business does promise a startup to be able to generate profits and great valuations of their business. Unfortunately, not all types of startups must force themselves to include scalability into their startup. There are even types of startups that are not suitable for implementing scalability into their business models.

Then, how do you know if your startup really needs scalability to develop it?

Lately, there has been a lot of pressure on young business people. This pressure is an effort in building scalability at startup, rather than focusing on their efforts by using other business models. In fact, not necessarily a startup needs it to be able to move forward. In the end, it actually wastes time.

It is true that many venture capital is lazy to invest in startups that do not have scalability. However, this assumption is still being debated and of course all decisions come back to you as a startup owner.

That means you don’t need to change the authenticity of your business. Keep in mind, even venture capital companies are not a business that applies scalability to their business models.

There is always a businessman who is more suitable to create a web design company, clothing label, or business consultant than to create a software platform

This is why not all startups can apply scalability to each of their business models.

Back again to the foundation of the establishment of a business, what exactly are your goals? Basically, there are three things to think about before starting a business, including:

  • Does this business make money?
  • Will the business you build make you proud?
  • Can you enjoy the business?

There is no particular emphasis on these three points. Which is more important, not a problem. What is clear, these three questions become a reason when building a startup, whether it’s because you want to benefit, create assets to be proud of, or maybe because you want to enjoy your own world.

In conclusion, in building a business, what you need is a focus on business growth, not the others. Maybe for you, scalability in startup should be done as fast as possible so that it can increase company revenue. You also build a business without understanding your main goals. Everything was done, including employing teams in large numbers to build branch offices everywhere.

Maybe this will help you to increase startup income in the future. But if your startup is still unable to do it, don’t do it. This will only plunge your startup into the brink of collapse. Focus on constant growth with your own business model. Love your business. Scalability is not the main target in developing a business.

Building a true business is not building something that everyone wants, but a business that you want. This business is a business that you can see its development in the next 10 to 15 years. This business is a business where you can sacrifice your blood, sweat, tears, and your time where everyone just goes away. This business is a business that calls you.

In the process of scalability, of course, companies need a system that helps the development of the company. Employees as the main asset in this case must also be managed properly.

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