New Business

Unraveling the Causes Behind a Potential US Economic Collapse

In the complex web of global economics, the prospect of a United States economic collapse is a topic that sparks both concern and curiosity. This article delves into the intricate factors and dynamics that could potentially lead to a US economic collapse, exploring historical contexts, contemporary challenges, and the potential consequences of such a scenario.

1. Historical Precedents: Lessons from Economic Turmoil

  • The Great Depression: A Grim Reminder:
    • Unveil the echoes of the Great Depression and its lasting impact on economic policies.
    • Discuss the historical significance of understanding past economic collapses.
  • Lessons from the 2008 Financial Crisis:
    • Explore the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and the measures taken to prevent a complete economic breakdown.
    • Discuss how the lessons learned shaped financial regulations and policies.

2. Mounting National Debt: The Looming Burden

  • Rising Debt Levels: A Ticking Time Bomb:
    • Discuss the alarming trajectory of the United States national debt.
    • Explore
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New Business

Is The Media Partly Responsible For The Economic Crisis?

Economic News TodayThe rupiah nosedived towards the US dollar in the Jakarta interbank spot market, dropping below the extent of Rp11,350 per US dollar as market players have been anxious over nationwide economic development.

This is partly as a result of 24-hour information cycleā€¯ which is pushed by cable news and the internet. There is a lot of time and column inches to be filled, so commentators indulge in endless speculation about politics and political figures. Very little of this is actual news, if by news you mean a factual reporting of something that has truly occurred. Bagdikian, B. H. The New Media Monopoly: A Completely Revised and Updated Edition With Seven New Chapters. Beacon Press, 2004. In May 2017, S&P has downgraded 23 small-to-medium Australian monetary establishments as the chance of falling property prices increases and potential financial losses begin to increase. In June 2017, Moody’s downgraded 12 Australian banks, together … Read more